This website is about arbitration in England & Wales (Scottish law is different). As I find it easier to “see” things as diagrams, that is my chosen format. Anyone who wants is free to consult this material, which is really my own helpfile, which has taken me a very long time to put together.
Some of the images are on the large side but I have sub-divided the material where I could. In order to make sure that page names make sense and are unique, they can be quite long. Where a page name starts with a number, it will be concerned with the Act of Parliament passed in that year. Otherwise, the page will be in more general terms.
On navigation, for speed, there is no left-hand navbar, but a sitemap can be reached from a logo near the top left corner on every page. Each image carries appropriate links and there is a section index for each of the Acts. Hopefully, people can find what they want.
No guarantees are offered that the material is wholly accurate but I hope there is nothing too wrong. If there is, please tell me about it.
Any and all rights in this website are asserted and reserved. Now I’ve said that, you can start here.
Jon Spain 8 June 2008 (first published 14 October 2005)